Sunday 31 October 2010

ITN Senior Political Correspondent Chris Ship visits WINOL

Senior Political Correspondent for ITN News Chris Ship visited WINOL during our third week of production. An established and top-drawer political broadcaster in his own right, it was invaluable to hear Chris’s advice and guidance in the post bulletin de-brief, in addition to learning what he felt was crucial to have on every journalism CV; work experience.

Our October 27th Bulletin can be viewed by clicking the following link:

Chris Ships main points:

- Headlines are the most important part of your show – ITN record headlines – showcase crime package interview with strong quotes – headlines need to be rehearsed and there needs to be adequate time for there to be a run through of everything from the galleries cue.

- Crime Package: pauses in footage, almost exactly right but let the viewer have time to see what is happening.

- Too much towing and throwing in the studio (i.e. guest coming in (could have been seated at end of desk).

- Live Two-Way: Second question cut slightly too short. The questions from the presenter needed a more natural feel. And also there was too much ceiling in shot.

View Chris’s in-depth interview where he talks about WINOL, the bulletins stories in greater depth and gives advice for WINOL’s budding broadcast journalists. Produced by Joey Lipscombe and Stuart Appleby.

Chris Ship (centre) with the WINOL team in our Studio.

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